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Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Why did jews return to Israel? What legitimize their return to that land?

 The return of Jews to Israel is a complex topic, and it is interwoven with religious beliefs, political movements, and historical circumstances.

Religious Aspect:

Divine Promise: Many Jews believe that God promised the land of Israel to the Jewish people. This belief is based on biblical texts. The covenant between God and Abraham, which is found in the Book of Genesis in the Hebrew Bible (or Old Testament), is often cited as the divine promise of the land to the Jewish people.

Exile and Return: Throughout history, there have been several instances where Jews were exiled from the land of Israel and later returned. The Babylonian exile and subsequent return (6th century BCE) is a notable example.

Political and Historical Aspects:

Zionism: In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, a political movement known as Zionism emerged. The movement sought to establish a national homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine. This was partially due to the persecution Jews faced in various countries.

Holocaust: The genocide of approximately six million Jews by the Nazi regime during World War II, known as the Holocaust, greatly influenced the global and Jewish perspective regarding the need for a Jewish homeland. After the war, support for the establishment of a Jewish state increased significantly both among Jews and within the international community.

Balfour Declaration: In 1917, the British government, through the Balfour Declaration, expressed its support for "the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people."

UN Partition Plan: In 1947, the United Nations proposed a plan to partition Palestine into Jewish and Arab states. Despite the Arab rejection of the plan, the State of Israel was proclaimed in 1948.

Socio-Cultural Aspects:

Identity and Connection: Many Jews have felt a profound historical and cultural connection to the land of Israel. This connection has been maintained and expressed through religious practices, literature, and traditions.

Geopolitical Aspects:

British Mandate: The British controlled Palestine from 1917 until 1948 under the British Mandate. Their policies, at various times, both facilitated and hindered Jewish immigration to the region.

Israeli-Arab Conflict: The establishment of Israel was followed by a complex and ongoing conflict with its Arab neighbors. This has involved numerous wars and consistent political tensions.

The return of Jews to Israel is, therefore, a multifaceted phenomenon influenced by a blend of religious, historical, political, and sociocultural factors. Various individuals and groups may prioritize or emphasize different aspects of these factors based on their beliefs, experiences, and perspectives.

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