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Saturday, July 20, 2024

Lessons 1-2 : Learning Grammar Through Conversations by Dr. Snea Thinsan

Lesson 1: Learning Grammar Through Conversations by Dr. Snea Thinsan

Lesson 1: Learning Grammar Through Conversations by Dr. Snea Thinsan

(Present Simple)

A: "What time does the library open?"

B: "It ___ at 8 AM."

Answer: b) opens - Present Simple tense is used to describe a regular action.


A: "Can you pass me ___ pen, please?"

B: "Sure, here it is."

Answer: a) a - The indefinite article 'a' is used before a noun that is general and not specific.


A: "Where is John?"

B: "He is ___ the kitchen."

Answer: a) in - The preposition 'in' is used to describe a location inside something.

(Possessive Pronouns)

A: "Is this her book?"

B: "No, it’s ___."

Answer: b) mine - The possessive pronoun 'mine' is used to show ownership.

(Present Continuous)

A: "What are you doing?"

B: "I ___ a letter."

Answer: b) am writing - Present Continuous tense is used for actions happening now.

(Simple Past)

A: "Did you watch the movie last night?"

B: "Yes, I did. I ___ it with Jim. It was great!"

Answer: c) watched - Simple Past tense is used for actions completed in the past.

(Modal Verbs)

A: "___ I borrow your calculator?"

B: "Yes, of course."

Answer: a) Can - 'Can' is used to ask for permission.


A: "How was the weather yesterday?"

B: "It was very ___."

Answer: a) sunny - 'Sunny' is the adjective describing the weather.

(Subject-Verb Agreement)

A: "___ your brother like ice cream?"

B: "Yes, he loves it."

Answer: b) Does - 'Does' is used with third person singular subjects in Present Simple.


A: "Who is that?"

B: "___ is my friend, Sarah."

Answer: a) She - The subject pronoun 'she' is used to refer to a female person.

Lesson 2: Learning Grammar Through Conversations by Dr. Snea Thinsan

(Past Continuous)

A: "What were you doing at 8 PM last night?"

B: "I ___ dinner."

Answer: a) was eating - Past Continuous tense is used for actions happening at a specific time in the past.

(Countable and Uncountable Nouns)

A: "Do you have any ___?"

B: "Yes, I have some."

Answer: b) apples - 'Apples' is a countable noun in its plural form.

(Comparative Adjectives)

A: "This test is ___ than the last one."

B: "I agree, it's very hard."

Answer: b) more difficult - Comparative adjectives are used to compare differences between two objects.

(Present Perfect)

A: "Have you ever ___ to New York?"

B: "No, I haven't."

Answer: a) been - Present Perfect tense is used for actions that happened at an unspecified time before now.

(Future Simple)

A: "What will you do tomorrow?"

B: "I ___ go to the park."

Answer: a) will - Future Simple tense is used for actions that will happen in the future.

(Superlative Adjectives)

A: "She is the ___ student in the class."

B: "Yes, she always gets the highest marks."

Answer: c) smartest - Superlative adjectives are used to describe the highest degree of a quality.

(Past Simple)

A: "Where ___ you go yesterday?"

B: "I went to the museum."

Answer: b) did - Past Simple tense is used for actions that happened and were completed in the past.


A: "I enjoy ___ books in my free time."

B: "Me too! It's very relaxing."

Answer: b) reading - Gerunds are used as nouns and 'reading' functions as the object of 'enjoy.'


A: "I need ___ to the store."

B: "Can I come with you?"

Answer: b) to go - Infinitives are used to express purpose or intention.


A: "She sings very ___. "

B: "Yes, she has a beautiful voice."

Answer: b) well - Adverbs modify verbs and describe how an action is performed.

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